Overdue Pictures
Here are a couple of pictures, I am embarrassed to say they are from Mother's Day and it's just been a long string of excuses (sick/worn out/preoccupied) since then making it hard to get anything posted for you all to see.

Here are a couple of pictures, I am embarrassed to say they are from Mother's Day and it's just been a long string of excuses (sick/worn out/preoccupied) since then making it hard to get anything posted for you all to see.
Alex's teeth are pretty much in. He is now the proud owner of four little choppers! The top two are just little nubs, of course, but I'm glad that we should be experiencing a reprieve from all of the angst of the last couple of weeks. The problem now is that Alex is back in a wake-up-all-the-time routine, and even though I think the teething excuse has run its course, he still seems to want to get up and be fed and/or comforted at least twice a night. OH MY GOODNESS. This is not fun.
Sorry it's been so long...life is just busy. Alex is getting some more teeth. Two more, on the top. And he has not let any of us forget it. We went from a lovely, sleeping all night big boy right back to a one-month-old little baby. He's up at least 3 times a night. If I go in to comfort him, rock him, pat his back, etc he knows it's me and will be soothed by nothing but nursing. So, Dan tries to put him to sleep at least once a night so that I am not completely nuts in the morning, but sometimes that doesn't work, and the magic of Mommy is all that will help.
Alex is fine. In fact, I think that the rest of the family has suffered much more than he has. Just like you said, Sally!
Alex has his first sick stomach issue. Last night, Sydney came over to me with her "I want something" look. I assumed she wanted to go outside, so I told her to be patient. Apparently, she didn't take that very well, so she went and woke up Dan. But instead of going to the front door, she went to Alex's door. Dan went to check on Alex and it turned out that he had thrown up all over his crib. In typical baby fashion, where dropping a pen can wake him up, but barking dogs and ambulance sirens don't, Alex had apparently slept through the entire thing. There he was, still snoozing soundly, but laying in a puddle of puke. We were amazed-yes, Dan and I actually talked about this-that Alex had his first big-boy puke. It no longer had that spit-up milk smell. It smelled like vomit. Sorry, but blogs about babies are not always clean :-)
Yummy! I love banana teething biscuits!
Hmmm...what exactly is in this biscuit? I want to know because I plan to smear it all over my face, and was hoping that it had some moisturizing properties as well. Smear!
Oh, hello Sydney. So nice of you to wander past. I just love Sydney!
Sydney. What are you doing? Hey. That's my buscuit!!
Mom. Sydney ate my buscuit. Can I have another one?
Yesterday, Alex and I went on a hike. We had plans to meet up with a couple of other mom-and-baby pairs and hike up Diamond Head Crater.
It was prettier in person...or maybe I was just tired :-) Anyway, Alex was on my back, and since I got there late, I was hiking alone (that was incentive, though, I had to catch up!) I kept passing all these people (on their way down...I wasn't really passing anyone going the same direction as me!) who were saying nice, encouraging things to me: "There's a tough momma!" and "You go, girl!" Then, there was one woman who said, "You are just gonna die going up there!" She was on her way down. If I'd been thinking any faster, I would have said something equally rude like "If you could make it, I am sure I can, too!" But my mind was a bit fatigued so I just muttered something like "Hope not" and kept going. So, lady, if you are reading this, I MADE IT.
So, my calves are a bit sore today, but it was a really nice workout. I told Dan we'd have to go sometime soon so he can check it out, too.
Funny that our little Wisconsin friends went to the zoo this weekend. So did Alex and I. We went with a playgroup buddy, Dylan, and his mom and her friend. Our little boys are about the same age, Alex is about 3 weeks older. So, at play group each week, his mom and I compare notes and have very similar things to say...oh, now he's pulling up? Mine too!
Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone. Alex and I ended up in the midst of this way-too-big Cinco de Mayo fiesta on accident this evening. Not knowing that everyone and sus madres would be out looking for cheap margaritas, we went down to Aloha tower, just to walk around and look at the big boats. Aloha tower, as you might guess, is a big tower with the word "ALOHA" on it. It is at the pier where all the big cruise ships dock. If you have been on a cruise ship, you know that the spot where they let off their passengers is always a nice place to sell, well, EVERYTHING. So there is a little mall, a bunch of restaurants and all the tourist trappings that Hawaii has to offer. Leis and aloha wear, beach attire, and the goofy "only in Hawaii" stuff, like HI license plates with names on them or magnets with hula girls, etc.
Shhhh....we're playing hide and seek...do you see Sydney?
"It's just another day under the furniture again..." (I'm sorry, that one is for Uncle Chris and my famiy. The story is too long and silly to relate here, but I hope that they are laughing :-) )
Alex is unstoppable. He is the master of the tummy-on-the-floor wriggle, and it remains the most effective form of movement right now. But, he is also starting to crawl, and he's starting the pre-walking fun of "cruising." (For anyone not immersed in baby book jargon right now, that's the "holding on to things while walking" stage.) He has made it the length of the couch with this new skill. Exciting. It's really not perfected yet, as he ends up on his (thankfully, diapered) little behind every 30 seconds or so, as he tries to do the really tough skills like pick up a toy off the floor while holding on to the side of the toy box. He certainly has a way to go. But it's amazing that about a month ago, he was still having trouble sitting up!
Alex is all about standing up. You'd think he'd been doing this for years! He will sit on the floor and play with a toy for a couple of minutes, and then it's like he suddenly thinks, "What am I doing? I could be standing!!!" Then he'll wiggle across the ground, find some stationary object that he is pretty sure will support him, and UP he goes! So far, this plan has worked really well. If he uses me, he also gets a little help and a hug when he gets to standing. The boxes, cube-wall, couch, and toy container offer less help, but are sturdy enough. His only rejection so far was Sydney. He grabbed some fur, started to pull himself up, and Sydney just about hit the ceiling. I have to give her credit, though. Alex fell and cried a little, and she came to lick his face, as if to apologize.
What's up? Oh, this standing thing...yeah, I guess I've been doin' it for a while....like 3, 4 days maybe.
Hey, Mom, have you seen my Pooh Bear?