Thursday, February 12, 2009


Dan and I have taken for granted that we can spell around Alex without him knowing what we are spelling. It's getting trickier, as he's better able to decipher the sentence around the "key word."

For example,  "Do you want to go to the p-l-a-y-g-r-o-u-n-d." He may not get the exact word, but suddenly he's full of ideas, and sometimes they are less desireable than even the word we were trying to avoid. "Yes! I want to get ice cream!"

But lately, the funny part has been that after a round of spelling, Alex will chime in with his own spelling. 

"Dan, are you going to H--o-m-e D-e-p-o-t?"  (One of Alex's favorite spots, by the way!)

Alex responds with, "I want to go to q-f-a-g-t-t-a!!"

OK, kiddo, if we find a place named "Qfagtta," we'll be sure to take you there.


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