Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Did you pack my mittens???

Apparently, we were not paying attention when the instructions on "how to go on vacation" were being given.

We left Honolulu and went to Wisconsin for our vacation. Not that Wisconsin doesn't have some lovely attractions: family, friends, snow, snow, more snow, and SNOW!

Alex has been LOVING the snow. I will post pictures when they are available. I forgot my camera battery charger in Hawaii, so I have to beg photos from Bette.

Dan and I are just trying to keep warm. In the past 3 years, our temperatures have ranged from 65ish to 95ish. Year round. Sure, we flew to Southern California last winter, but it got down to 45ish, maybe, at night. We were still in t-shirts and jeans during the day.

When we landed in Minnesota to change planes, the pilot announced, "Local time here in Minneapolis is 4:55 and the temperature is 8 below." Dan and I looked at each other and said, "8 below what??" Then we stepped off the plane, into that little walkway-tunnel-thing, which is NOT heated, btw, and both stopped midstep to declare that we'd had enough of winter and it was time to go home.

That is a small taste of how we are doing so far. I'll keep you posted. I'll leave with this happy thought: today we enjoyed what the folks up here call a heat wave. Yes, it was 23! Holy cow! People running around in their shorts and slathering on the sunscreen! Yeah...it's going to be an interesting week!


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