I've been holding out....
Alex started at a new school last week. I'm starting a new job at the end of August, and it is soooo close to our house, so Alex will be going to a different preschool, also close to our house. By "close to our house" I mean that everything is within about 3 blocks! This means many mornings of walking to school! I am excited. Not only will this be good for our gas consumption, but it'll be a bit of exercise and fresh air and "doing our part" on the green front! Win-win-win!
So, I apologize dear readers for holding out on you....what I have been keeping from you? Well, some darn cute pictures of a little boy on his way out the door on his first day!

Here's a happy Hawaiian boy--notice he's not wearing any shoes.
Here you can see a bit of his new backpack. I have to tell you about this backpack. I thought it was great. Alex even agreed. It's plain black, but has a little pocket on the side for a water bottle and looks like a big boy backpack, but it's actually his size. I thought that was cute. Alex thought it was cute. Until he got to school and saw that another kid had a Sponge Bob backpack. He looked at me and said "Mom, you are so not cool. Where's my cartoon character backpack?"

Ok, he didn't really. But that's what I thought he said. It may have been something more like "Mommy- Sponge Bob! Where my Sponge Bob backpack?!?"
I'd say that's a pretty direct translation. And so it begins....(the part about me not being cool)
Anyway, here's one more....

"Mom, stop taking pictures, let's go to school!"
Precious. I see so much of both you and Dan in his features. Genetics are cool, eh?
Very cool. Austen is a pretty amazing mixture of you and Sean, too. I am always impressed at how nature takes our features and blends them so beautifully into a new person.
SO cute! Nice welcome mat, too... ;) Can't wait to see you guys in just a couple of weeks! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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