Oh, the monkeys at the zoo!
Yesterday we met Alex's little buddy Ty and his mom at the zoo. Ty and Alex are both good boys, but together they can be a force of chaos and madness. There was so much giggling and running and hiding and jumping and more giggling. They had tons of fun, fingers pointing and yelling "Rhino! Hippo! Monkey! Tiger!" etc, etc.
Ty and his mom had recently gone to a wild animal adventure park in California, so she was full of interesting tidbits, which Alex pretty much memorized word for word and repeated to Dan later that evening. This is funny to me because he spent so much time just giggling, shrieking, and chasing Ty that I couldn't believe he had actually heard anything she said. This makes me nervous, and makes me want to watch what I say a little more.
Speaking of watching what I say, yesterday I was in the kitchen, doing whatever and I started talking to myself out loud, kind of mumbling about what do have for dinner and when to get started on that.
Alex looked at me and said, "Who are you talking to, Mommy?" Hmm....I guess he's figured out that talking to yourself is not normal (OK, for adults, he talks to himself all the time, but I didn't think that was relevant to the conversation.).
So, I said, "Oh, just myself. Talking about dinner."
He thought for a second and then he responded with , "But who's listening?"
Ummm....yeah.....I wasn't sure what to say to that, so I just said, "You were!" and laughed and tried to forget that my two year old just implied that I was crazy!
Here he is at the hippo statue. Shaka, everyone!
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