Thursday, December 06, 2007

Pneumonia News

Alex and I stayed home from school on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was going to be Dan's day, so in order for him to keep the car, Dan and Alex dropped me off at work. But when I got there, a horrible storm had knocked out the power to the area, so we had the day OFF!!!!! We were supposed to have a half day and then a faculty meeting, so we just sent the kids home, had that faculty meeting early, and then all went home!

So, after three days out of school, there was a lot of catching up to do. I dropped of Alex this morning, a little worried because he'd been away for 5 days and I was worried that he'd not be too happy. He seems to enjoy school, but when he's away for a while (like after Thanksgiving--4 days off) he cried the next Monday when I dropped him off :-(

But he was OK. And the teachers said he was good. I was concerned that he'd be crabby or fussy, but it seems like he's doing great.

He still has this cough that sounds pretty bad, but he's on antibiotics and does the nebulizer 3 or so times a day, so he is definitely getting all the help that modern medicine can give him in getting better.

Speaking of the nebulizer. He is not too thrilled with the idea of sitting still for 10-15 minutes to breath the mist. Not thrilled at all. So we've been bribing him. He's watched the same Elmo video about 100 times in the last 4 days. His babysitter Tina happened to offer us some old DVD's that she isn't using anymore (since she's done with the in-home daycare she used to have) and I gratefully grabbed them up so that we'd have some variety. Tonight's nebulizer video was a Blue's Clues episode. I described it to Dan as CSI for babies. Without the bodies, of course.


At 4:01 AM, Blogger Jenna said...

I loved watching Blue's Clues when A was a baby. I had a crush on Steve Burns (not OUR Steve Burns, the stripped variety). I thought he was the hottest dork ever!

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Jenna said...

Oh dear, I just noticed that I typed "stripped" instead of "striped." I bet Freud would have a field day with me.


At 2:14 PM, Blogger babyboyg said...

Really funny. I didn't even notice. Dan pointed out the "Steve Burns" thing last night. I got a big kick out of imagining Grog in that part. Striped or stripped, he'd be interesting in that
part :-)

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Hi from Nutmeg and Pebbles' mommy!

We don't own many kids videos either, so I have come up with the following improvisations when Nutmeg was sick and bored or I needed her to sit still for awhile:

1) Family/friend videos on the computer, or friends' Flickr slideshows. She is always riveted.

2) YouTube. It started with Nutmeg wanting to watch whenever Dooce posted a video of their dog. Now I'll actually sit her down with someone's bootleg 5-minute Sesame Street clip, a cute video of someone's kids or pets, whatever.

3) Netflix now offers streaming video over the Net, altho the don't have much kids' selection. Still, we watched "Annie" streaming the other day, and it totally rescued it from being yet another boring sick day.

Nutmeg also was ok with the nebulizer if we read her stories while she used it.


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