Mango Madness!
We are fortunate to have two lovely mango trees in our yard. This has been a blessing and a curse. Mangoes are a strange fruit. They are not usually ripe until after they fall from the tree. They usually fall when they are just starting to turn a little yellow, and are often still bright green.
Last year at mango time, we totally missed all the fun. We didn't understand why they were all falling so early. The trick is to pick them when they are big, but still green. Then they will ripen off the tree and be perfect in about a week.
Mango trees are also usually really tall and the fruit is really heavy. So, when they fall, they fall hard, split open, and are devoured by little creatures before we can get to them. Here is the "curse" part. Mangoes are sweet and delightful and loved by creatures human and non-human. Non-human fans include ROACHES and RATS. Yeah, we have SEEN rats running around our lanai and I've actually seen them munching on mangoes RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR WINDOW!!!!
But, the bright side is that we have all the free mangoes we can eat. And, although they used to be a pain to peel and de-seed, I have it down to a science now :-)
So, we have been eating mangoes like crazy!

Yummy! I love mangoes and yogurt. And my mommy and daddy are smart enough to have me eat this treat naked!

The only one in the house that loves mangoes and yogurt as much as I do is Sydney! That crazy dog LOVES my food!

Ummmm...hello?!? Do you notice that the half of my face closest to the DOG is all clean, while the other half if COVERED in mango? Do you know how hard I work to get my face this messy???
Marc and I were just commenting tonight on how adorable Alex is. Does he smile ALL the time?
Almost! :-)
He is really good-natured, thank goodness. We are really lucky.
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