Saturday, February 10, 2007

Crazy Mom, Sick Baby

Alex has continued to get up too early every day--before 5. Thursday he went back to sleep OK, but Friday he was UP. So, I put him in his room with the baby gate. This worked pretty well...but there was a catch I'll discuss later...

Thursday evening we went to Stroller Strides. That was nice exercise for Mom and some fun baby interaction for Alex.

Friday afternoon we met Dylan and his mom for some park time. The boys ran around chasing each other and birds, and making sure that everyone knew when an airplane flew by...those boys are so helpful!

Friday evening, Alex and I were playing in his room. I've been trying to make it a normal place to be, because so far he just gets giddy excited when we go in there, and starts jumping on the bed. He'll be rubbing his eyes and acting clearly fussy-tired, but as soon as we go in there for the "calming bedtime ritual" of a couple of books and to lay down, he has all the bed-jumping energy in the world!

Well, Alex decided that he needed to close the door. But it wouldn't close. It was off somehow. Apparently, when I put the gate in the door on Friday morning, I just put it right in the middle of the doorway. (As opposed to making sure the door would close, like I've been doing at night.) Alex tried to close the door when the gate was there, hard enough to pull the little door hinge plate thing out of the wall a little ways.

So, although the plate is on with screws, this did not seem like something I wanted to painstakingly use a screwdriver on, while simultaneously moving a nosy, grabby toddler away. I went for the hammer. Couldn't find it. I could find a pretty hefty wrench, though, so I banged and banged that door hinge plate thing back into place. The door now closes, thank you very much. I am a totally capable handywoman :-)

Saturday started with a bang. Not just a 5am wake up, but a 4am wake up accompanied by VOMIT. Yeah, Alex was screaming from his room and I went get him. His usual tactic is just to yell "Maaaaamaaaaa" so this was strange. He had gotten out of bed and was in the middle of the room, puking. So, I got him undressed and washed off, then redressed and in my bed. He fell back asleep until a respectable 7:30. Thank you, Alex. He's doing all right now. A little droopy, but OK overall.

Seriously, Dan, what did you promise Alex in return for pulling out all this baby "fun" while you were away?!?


At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's only sick at night?
or is this an all day thing?
do you know what all that is from?
I don't want to find out that Boris is sending the KGB to slip things in his dinner..

At 10:46 AM, Blogger babyboyg said...

Nah, so far he's only been sick on the way to day care in the morning on Monday and then Saturday morning. He's been kinda whiny and fussy all day Saturday and Sunday.

Other than that, he's not sick, he just won't go to bed!!!


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