Pics from our Wisconsin trip
In my laziness, I didn't post a darn thing while I was on my two weeks of here are some pictures that I promised, from our trip to Wisconsin...only a few weeks ago. These are courtesy of Brian and Andi and their twins who took Alex to the Children's Museum for a day of fun while Mommy and Daddy were at the wedding.

Cute little drummer boys.

Alex found a nice spot to sit at the twins' house. Apparently the twins like to sit in these baskets as well. Such nice hosts..."mi basket es su basket"

The E's wanted to send Alex home not only with fun memories, but with a new trick. This is Ethan and Logan, trying to teach Alex to do "touchdown." He looks like he's catching on, doesn't he? :-) I can tell you though, 3 weeks later that he can do it now. The problem is that when I was teaching him, each time he'd do, it, I'd tickle him, so now when he puts his hands up, he'll wait a few seconds before doubling over in giggles of anticipation, even if I never actually tickle him.
We are glad that Alex has maintained his new trick! Now only if the Packers could give us a reason to shout it...
It was a fun day, your little guy had a blast!
Ohhhhhh, what a cutie! Thanks for the pix Laura! ~Auntie Sarah
Hey- I think I have that same basket that Alex is sitting in.
He sure looks comfy
I'll have to see if I can fit in mine.
I wonder how it would look next to the recliner.
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