Home again, home again...
We just returned from a fun-filled trip to Wisconsin. The main event of the trip was to attend the wedding of a friend of Dan's family, but we managed to cram in so much more :-)
Alex met many of his Grandma Bette and Daddy's friends. He met his Uncle Buddy (Grandma Bette's dog :-) ) as well as his little twin pals Ethan and Logan. This was fun for Mommy as well, as she is an avid reader of their blog and was really excited to see them in person, since our last real encounter with them was about 15 months ago....pre-Alex! In fact, Ethan and Logan's Mommy and Daddy babysat all day on Saturday and took all three of the little tykes out to the Betty Brin Children's! The report was that they all had a blast. They even sent home a CD of pictures as evidence of all the fun they had! As soon as I load those pictures on the computer, I'll share some of those with you. Cute, cute little boys!
The plane rides were interesting. The way to WI was an overnight flight. Alex understood the logic in this and complied by sleeping almost the entire time! The way back, however, was prime baby awake time, and Alex didn't seem to understand why we would plan this...we didn't either, and have made a note to never fly with Alex during the day again if possible. The last little bit of the ride was pretty bad, but Alex did manage to sleep for a couple of hours at the beginning, so we have to be thankful for that.
A couple of pictures, not of the trip, but from G-ma Bette's visit here since I haven't exhausted that collection yet. More from our time in WI later. It's bed time :-)

Look at me shopping for pineapples with my Grandma Bette. The photographer caught me looking serious...or maybe I was just busy filling a diaper...but my Grandma looks happy enough for both of us!!

Sigh. Look at your little guy growing up! He's so lovely.
Thanks. He is growing up, isn't he?? But I am sure Iris is a real little person now, too :-)
he is just too cute! he looks just like a little man. isn't it crazy how one second they are your little baby and then you blink and POOF they are a little boy?!?!?! where does the time go?
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