10 Months
Alex is now 10 months old. Time flies...
As we talked about in the last post, there are just so many things he can do now that it seems like he couldn't do last week, a few days ago, or even this morning. He is a real champ at feeding himself now. He's been doing that for a while, but now he only drops things on purpose. (Or to entice Sydney to come closer.) And he definitely has his favorite foods. Last night I gave him some little meat chuncks while I was cooking the rest of dinner. While the pasta was cooking, I peeled and cut up some oranges. Alex saw me, and started reaching and yelling, even dropping the meat chunks over the side of his high chair as if to tell me that his plate was empty, it needed to be filled with oranges! He then proceeded to eat two oranges by himself. Not two pieces of orange. Two oranges. Granted, they are the little clementine ones, so they are small, but TWO? Come on, kid, the books say that your stomach is only as big as your fist right now. And your fist is smaller than one orange. And that was before dinner, with pasta, veggies, cheese, etc.
But he's a growing boy!

Stir fry veggies are one of Alex's favorite foods. He especially enjoys the snow peas, as you can see.

I love Daddy!
I hope Alex never turns into a picky eater. Keep eating all those good foods Alex!
love those pics! he's so cute and he look just so darn grown up!!!
What adorable pic's! Judging by the amount of food that Alex plasters to his stomach instead of eating, I'm sure he and Sug will get along just fine. He looks like he's definitely slimming down, must be all that exploring and cruising he's doing! ~Sarah
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