Friday, May 12, 2006

Baby's First Tummy Bug

Alex has his first sick stomach issue. Last night, Sydney came over to me with her "I want something" look. I assumed she wanted to go outside, so I told her to be patient. Apparently, she didn't take that very well, so she went and woke up Dan. But instead of going to the front door, she went to Alex's door. Dan went to check on Alex and it turned out that he had thrown up all over his crib. In typical baby fashion, where dropping a pen can wake him up, but barking dogs and ambulance sirens don't, Alex had apparently slept through the entire thing. There he was, still snoozing soundly, but laying in a puddle of puke. We were amazed-yes, Dan and I actually talked about this-that Alex had his first big-boy puke. It no longer had that spit-up milk smell. It smelled like vomit. Sorry, but blogs about babies are not always clean :-)

So, we got him up, changed his clothes, gave him a bath and changed his sheets. Dan looked up what to do for a sick baby. I tried to feed him, but after a few minutes of breastfeeding, he spewed all that back out, too. Change both of our clothes this time. Dan read that we should give him Pedialite if he can't keep down breastmilk, so he went off to get some of that. Alex and I sat on the couch, and the next thing I knew, he had fallen asleep. I laid him in his crib. When Dan got home, we debated getting him up, but decided that he probably would get more from sleep than from Pedialite. Alex slept soundly the rest of the night.

I fed him just fine this morning, and he had a normal-looking poopy diaper. I figured it was a reaction to something he ate yesterday. The new things from yesterday were oranges and a different baby cereal, so I decided to try to avoid them both. We went to the YMCA. He ended up having diarrhea, so the Childcare gal was just calling me as I came back to get him.

We now have a Dr. appt in an hour. I called, because it's Friday and I'd rather take him in today than have to go to the hospital or something over the weekend because we have an after-hours complaint. I assume he just has a little bug, and they probably can't do anything about it, but I'd rather find that out now.


Here are just a couple of pictures of Alex. Completely unrelated to the previous story. For Aunty Cate, who requested more pictures now that she's left the island.

Yummy! I love banana teething biscuits!

Hmmm...what exactly is in this biscuit? I want to know because I plan to smear it all over my face, and was hoping that it had some moisturizing properties as well. Smear!

Oh, hello Sydney. So nice of you to wander past. I just love Sydney!

Sydney. What are you doing? Hey. That's my buscuit!!

Mom. Sydney ate my buscuit. Can I have another one?


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my next blog entry is going to be about puke...stay tuned. Welcome back Dan!

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Andi said...

I puked today too. It was pretty bad since I was in my car seat on the way to a funeral. I really messed up the car; it got on the seat, door and of course all over my car seat.
Your Friend,

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iris' first stomach bug was waaaay harder on Mommy and Daddy, who caught it the next day, than it was on her. Hoping Alex's isn't catching!

At 9:21 AM, Blogger babyboyg said...

Andi-I read it this morning. YUCK. We were lucky, I guess. A crib is much easier to clean than the car!

Ethan-I'm sorry you were not feeling well. I hope you are better now!

Sally-I hear you, sister! Read the next entry...


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