We Conquered Diamond Head
Yesterday, Alex and I went on a hike. We had plans to meet up with a couple of other mom-and-baby pairs and hike up Diamond Head Crater.

It was prettier in person...or maybe I was just tired :-) Anyway, Alex was on my back, and since I got there late, I was hiking alone (that was incentive, though, I had to catch up!) I kept passing all these people (on their way down...I wasn't really passing anyone going the same direction as me!) who were saying nice, encouraging things to me: "There's a tough momma!" and "You go, girl!" Then, there was one woman who said, "You are just gonna die going up there!" She was on her way down. If I'd been thinking any faster, I would have said something equally rude like "If you could make it, I am sure I can, too!" But my mind was a bit fatigued so I just muttered something like "Hope not" and kept going. So, lady, if you are reading this, I MADE IT.
So, my calves are a bit sore today, but it was a really nice workout. I told Dan we'd have to go sometime soon so he can check it out, too.
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