Sunday, May 07, 2006

You went to the zoo? Us too!

Funny that our little Wisconsin friends went to the zoo this weekend. So did Alex and I. We went with a playgroup buddy, Dylan, and his mom and her friend. Our little boys are about the same age, Alex is about 3 weeks older. So, at play group each week, his mom and I compare notes and have very similar things to say...oh, now he's pulling up? Mine too!

Anyway, the tough thing about animals is that one of thier survival techniques is camoflauge. If our boys were predators, not many of the animals at this zoo would have been in danger :-) We pointed and rotated, and moved little heads, but it was rather worthless. Our poor little boys (to quote Andi) "thought they were on a long walk" with a couple of animals along the way. I am sure that they noticed the ostrich, who was bobbing his head like crazy, and the elephants were pretty active as we walked by. They also got to pet some goats in the kids' area. There were also some birds that we adults considered kind of ugly, but that were big and colorful enough that they boys actually looked at them, moving their heads to show that they were following them.

The zoo will be an event to repeat in a few months. Honestly, Alex gets much more out of the mall's pet shop, where he can get very close and definitely see the animals. So, it's back to the free animal entertainment. I'm not complaining :-)


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh just wait a little bit longer...Alex will enjoy the animals in a few months. I can't wait to take the boys back to the zoo!

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just get him to roar! It's hysterical.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger babyboyg said...

A- I'm sure he'll like it soon enough. We just have to work on focusing long distances and following a finger point and "look over there!"
B-We'll get right on that. He'll be roaring in no time!


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