Tuesday, April 25, 2006

No More excuses--So Many New Tricks!

I now have no, no, no excuse for not blogging. Dan is on a business trip to India for the next 2 weeks, so I have ample time after Alex goes to sleep, and there is no competition for the computer. So...here goes.

Alex is surprising me everyday with some little trick or another. Yesterday it was using two hands on the same task, and very cleverly, too I might add. He has a little bib with a pocket at the bottom for catching all that stuff that doesn't quite make it into his mouth. He's very excited about putting his own food in his mouth, and makes it about 25% of the time. So, the rest ends up in this bib trough thing. Yesterday, he had attempted to eat all the Cheerios on the tray, and was looking for more. He knew that there were more in his bib.He reached down with one hand, but couldn't get them. So, he used his other hand to push up one side so all the Cheerios fell to one corner. I couldn't believe that it was more than coincidence, but he did it again later, so I think he actually knew what he was doing!

On the locomotion front, still no actual crawling but he gets around so well with his little army crawl that he doesn't need that conventional stuff! He is starting to pull up, but it's harder when he is starting from his stomach rather than his knees (as most kids do when they start to pull up). And road blocks no longer stop him. The childcare gals at the YMCA told me yesterday that "he crawls over everything." Pillows, people's legs, etc. are not enough to contain him. Looks like we need to finish cleaning up/putting away everything and get some baby gates.

Last week when I was at the bank, he was playing on the floor because it was going to take a while. He was on his stomach, and the next thing I knew, he was sitting up. That was the first time I'd seen that trick! He usually gets into that almost-sitting-from-a-crawl position, and then pushes and falls over the other way. But this time he figured it out.

They grow up so fast...

Look at me, sitting up like a big boy!

I love my Goodnight Elmo book. I like to brush Elmo's teeth before he goes to bed. This is the one book that I actually look at rather than putting directly into my mouth.

Hey there. Did you catch me reading? My grandmas would be so proud!


At 5:11 PM, Blogger Andi said...

We have that book at Grandma's house! We love that book! Great taste in literature Alex!

At 9:19 PM, Blogger babyboyg said...

Funny you use the word "taste," as that is the sense that Alex uses most when "exploring" literature.


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