Screechy Baby and Catch-Up Pictures
Alex has a new habit of screeching. This screeching means a lot of things: pay attention to me, I'm lonely, I'm sleepy, etc. It has almost replaced crying, which is not good because crying is sad, annoying, something you want to stop, but this screeching is really awful. Like a noise that makes you want to leave the baby in the house and go somewhere else.
I'm hoping it's just his teeth hurting that is making this new sound such a prevelent part of Alex's vocabulary lately. Really, really hoping. If it's just his teeth, that means that the screeching is sure to go away in...oh...about two years.
One of the interesting things about Hawaii is that, because the weather is so lovely, all the windows are open all the time. And, even if they are not actually open, the windows aren't like anything I've seen before. They are like Venetian blinds with wide slats and a little handle that you turn to make them open or shut. So, unlike all windows I've ever seen, where they open up or down, and half the window space is still covered by glass (in fact, now two pieces of glass), the entire window is now open. Dan says it's called something French that starts with a "J." Jeloise, maybe? Anyway, I am digressing...the point is that the entire neighborhood can hear when your baby is crying, whining, or screeching. We don't close the windows, but even if we did, they don't really keep noise in. We know this because a baby across the street cries a lot. When we first moved in (a.k.a. before Alex magically transformed in to a screech owl), we used to look at each other and think how sad that that baby was always crying, can't her parents do whatever it is that will make her happy, keep her from wailing all the time. And now, it has come back to bite us: Oh, you think those neighbors just aren't working hard enough? What about your own screechy baby? The one who used to wake up after 8-9 hours, with a giggle and a coo, looking for someone to play with who now wakes up crying a few times a night (or, on a super-awful night last week, every hour!!!)?
All the websites and experienced parents we know claim that it will pass. It will come and go, and then finally be gone. Our sweet baby will return to us, and we will be able to sleep through the night again. We'll keep you updated.
Some catch-up pictures:

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