Four Months Old!
Which beautiful baby that you all know and love turned 4 months old today?

We went to the Dr. today and my big boy weighs 21 lbs and is 26 inches tall! He's above 97% on weight and 90% for height. This is no puny baby! The minor inconveniences that come along with such a healthy young man are that he has outgrown his infant car seat and now is in a "convertible" seat that will eventually turn around and be his toddler seat. The downside to this is the loss of the baby bucket convenience. Honestly, the baby bucket had gotten less and less convenient as Alex got heavier and heavier, and Dan suggested that the seat doesn't become unsafe for the baby at 20 lbs, rather for the backs of the parents of the baby. Towards the end there, I was hardly able to carry that thing from the car to the house. It wasn't the actual weight, but the fact that you have to carry it about a foot from your body. The physics of that hold have to be damaging to your back and shoulders.
So, he's outgrown the bucket, and now he cannot be so easily "snapped" into the top of his stroller. So, he's now riding in his stroller like a big boy--facing the world! I was afraid that he would not be as happy, not being able to see me, but I'm a bit of a narcisist. He was fine. In fact, this is all coming as he is starting to be able to play with toys (OK, so he breifly picks up and drops toys again and again and again...) so he seems even happier in the new-and-improved stroller set-up than with the old version!

Better than even Civ IV?
Yes. Even better than Civ IV. I caught Dan playing with it the other day. :-)
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