First New Year!
Last night was Alex's first New Year's Eve party. He surprised us by actually making it until the ball dropped. He was asleep when we arrived (the car will do that to a little guy), and slept for about an hour, until about 10:30. When he woke up, he was passed around, cooed at, and doted on by our friends, as it was a non-kids (unless they are too little to get into any trouble!) party. We did the big countdown 5-4-3-2-1 and yelled Happy New Year, and Alex was either scared or just wanted to join in, because even after the other voices died down, he could still be heard shouting a delighted "ahhhhhhh!"
We came home shortly after midnight and all went right to sleep. Alex slept WITHOUT WAKING UP from a little before 2:00 until 10:00. Is this foreshadowing of great days to come, or was the poor guy just really tuckered out from all the excitement of the evening?
We have our fingers crossed....

Happy New Year little guy! Sleeping in rocks doesn't it?
Little Alex looks exactly how I felt NYD after the girlie slumber party!
That was me. I didn't realize I would show up as anonymous. (I thought I was logged in. Ooops.)
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