Thanksgiving Update
OK, so this is a week late, but we had a great Thanksgiving here. Almost all the family made it: The W's from Lubbock: Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Chris; Aunt Sarah and Craig from San Antonio, and Grandma Bette came all the way from Wisconsin!
We all emt in San Antonio for the actual T-day meal, and then roamed the SA botanical gardens to work off some of that turkey and stuffing. It was hard to keep moving as the food coma set in.
Alex had a great time: slept the whole 1 1/2 hours to SA, slept through the entire meal, and woke up in time to eat before the gardens and slept through most of that, too. Ahhhh...the life of a baby. Anything you don't really want to do, you just sleep through!
Grandma B stayed at our house for the holiday, which was nice for Dan and me because we were able to take advantage of the loving babysitting services as well. We saw Goodnight and Goodluck on Thursday and then went out with a friend for coffee and chit chat on Friday. Dan and I talked about how nice it would be to move close to a Grandma. Unfortunately, Lubbock just doesn't strike our fancy, and Wisconsin is just too cold! But having babysitters that we love and trust would be nice!
On Friday evening we also went on a qucik shopping trip to buy a swing for Alex. It is nice to have a place for him to sit that is up off the ground. Of course, the dog can still lick his feet as much as she wants, but now he is up a little higher so he can "join in" at dinner time at the table. When he is in his bounce he is only a few inches off the ground, so he's not really part of the experience. Also, although he has yet to fall asleep in it, the swing does keep him happy for a while so I can get a few things done before he begins to demand my attention.
So, here are a few pictures from last weekend. Yeah, I'm a bit behind....

The picture is a bit dark, but you can see Alex's new swing. And, he is pleased to report that there is a fan-like object perfectly in view when he's in it! (Also, Cate, he's wearing his "Someone who loves me very much went to Hawaii and got me this t-shirt there" t-shirt.)

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