OK, catching up:
Last week Alex attended his very first party that he was actually invited to, not just as a tag-a-long to his parents. Granted, he slept through part of it, and didn't even know he was there, but it was monumental nonetheless. It was a Kids' Halloween Party, complete with a break in the action for Trick-or-Treating.
Alex was dressed as a pumpkin, in a costume sent to him by his Grandma Bette and Aunt Cate. He was adorable, of course!
We didn't get any good pictures at the party, so here is Alexander, back at home, propped up on our couch. I couldn't get him to smile or even look happy, but this was the best I could do!

So...what else has been going on in Alex G's Galaxy? Well, in addition to holding up his head, Alex has started to notice objects. This makes his play time much more exciting, and means that he can now use all of the fantastic toys that he received as gifts! For example:

Other big news is that the game Dan has been eagerly waiting to arrive finally came. Civilization IV has been on the horizon for months now, and Dan and Alex have had some time to bond both in reading the manual together and in actually playing the game. I don't have any of them playing together (this father-son bonding time is when I go and do...anything other than hang out with the baby, if only for a few minutes!) but here they are, prepping for building their empire. Dan and I figure that with a name like Alexander, he's got to be good at this game!

A few other pictures, just to show off:

It may look like I'm looking adoringly at my Mommy, but really I'm looking past her, at the fan, which I really like.

Ok, I'm done taking pictures now.
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