Chit Chat Among Friends...
Alex and I went out to Genuine Joe's Coffee Shop this morning to spend time with some college friends. Gary, Robin, and Josh met us there. It was the first time G & R had met Alex, and Josh hadn't seen him in at least a month, so it was fun for all of them. Alex of course wowed them with the amazing smiles he flashes regularly these days. He also managed to chatter up a storm and then fall asleep for a while, so they got to see the wide array of Alex's talents.
Trip preparation is going well. We were concerned about some timing issues with Sydney and the strict rules regarding importing animals into Hawaii. It turns out that our kitty Niki will not be able to come with us. The regulations are pretty stringent, and I have been less than vigilent in keeping Niki's records of shots and stuff. Plus, she doesn't have an ID chip in yet, and other things that just can't get done before we go. Soooo....we're going to be looking for a place for this cutie pie to live, at least for a while.
The packing is also coming along. I packed a bunch of clothes and shoes tonight, and I'm moving on to towels, sheets, and dishes as soon as Dan gets back from Walmart with some boxes.
Alex is doing really well. He is getting more and more animated every day. He smiles, talks, plays on his tummy, in his swing or walker, or in one those toys where he lays on his back and bats at toys. And the length of time he can do this without losing interest is increasing all the time. As long as he can see me, he lasts a good 10 minutes or so. This is good since I need to have free hands to do stuff around the house. Holding him does not help me pack!

Ahhhh. I feel better already.

Alex, apparently your dad hasn't been teaching you the finer points of passing gas. You should be proud! Let it fly in the middle of a pack of people! Let'er rip while just doing nothing at all. Blame the barking spider in the corner or that squeaky floor board.
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