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I have received several complaints about a lack of updates on lil Baby G and family. Well, the truth is that we still don't have internet access...but a wireless network capability, a neighbor with internet, and a crafty Dan have come together to provide you all with an update anyway. Shhhhhh! :-)'ll be 6 months on Sunday since the little monkey was born. His latest achievements are almost sitting up, inching like a worm across the floor (but only succeeding in moving backwards, poor baby), rolling over both ways (this is a better and faster way to move across the floor, he has discovered!), and...drumroll, please.... starting his collection of teeth! Yesterday, I stuck my finger against his lips (to test if it's meal time), and he chomped down. I thought I felt something other than gums, and when I looked, there was the smallest little ridge of a tooth. It's his right bottom tooth. I got all excited and called Dan at work. When he got home, Dan agreed that there was indeed a little bitty tooth poking through.
Oh....I have so much to tell you all and so many pictures to share! It seems like Alex learns something new everyday, and I can't believe how much cooler he is, even than a month and a half ago when we left Texas!
For example, today I was in the kitchen andAlex was swinging in his swing. I heard this giggling, and then it became just about the hardest laughter I've ever heard from him. I've only heard him laugh like this when I tickle him, this was no ordinary response-to-peek-a-boo giggle. I look over, and there is Alex, laughing his heart out because Sydney is running in circles, chasing her tail. Come on, now, that's actually funny. So, I want to laugh, too and then clap and cheer because I've just seen evidence that my kid has a sense of humor, but I kept quiet, kind of afraid to ruin the moment. Alex laughed and laughed and Sydney kept chasing her tail, until the inevitable: Sydney caught her tail, realized it was her tail, and laid back down on the ground. Alex kept staring, hoping that she'd get back up and be funny again.

"Oh, Mom, are you posting pictures of me again?"
(This is the outfit that Aunt Sarah calls his "Lemur suit." With his big eyes and stripes, he does look a bit lemur-esque.)
Finally, back on the air.
-Ethan and Logan's dad
Thanks for the update! I've been trying so hard not to complain.
Who's that Spartan that's really cute? It's Alex, it's Alex! And he's a whole 6 months old! Wow! So, so, so cute. With those eyes, I don't know how you'll ever punish him, not that he'll ever do anuthing wrong, but just in case...
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