Radio Silence in 5...4...3...2....
There is a moving van in front of our house. By this time tomorrow, we'll be on a plane, or we might even be to San Fransico or over the Pacific! Any minute now they are going to take this computer and put it in a box and there will be no more babyboyg updates for a while. Of course, there are the public computers at libraries or whatnot, but probably no pictures for about a month...EGADS! Alex will be a grown-up by then! ;-)
We will keep you posted briefly about the important stuff, of course.
Big toothless grins and slobbery kisses to all y'all! (For those of you not from the south: yes, we really do say "all y'all".)

Alex enjoys one last visit with Grandpa before we take off!
Crap, no updates?! Oh well, have a safe trip everyone. Andi and I will be anxious to hear how the plane ride was. We only had a 2 hour one with the boys, which they thankfully slept through.
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