What kind of parents...
take their 6 month old baby to a place with belly dancers?

Apparently, we do :-)
We ate at a wonderful restaurant called Pyramids the night before Cate left last week. It was a celebration of Cate's last night, and we were taking her friend Carl out to thank him for helping us move some furniture. Very nice atmosphere, yummy, yummy food. Alex was awed and amazed by the dancer's sparkly dress and jewlery. And she was charmed by him as well, of course. She clapped her little finger cymbals over his head in circles, and he turned every which way to see where all the music was coming from! It was really entertaining.
And, she took tips. I went to the bathroom as we were leaving, but when I came back out, Dan informed me that Alex had tipped the gal. I have to say that I was glad I wasn't present the first time my son tipped a scantily clad dancer.
The food was good, as I mentioned before. I had this okra dish in chunky tomato sauce. Alex ate both okra and tomato chunks. What a good eater! Of course, he has yet to reject anything. I think that the experience of eating is so exciting that he is not really thinking about taste yet.
Apparently we are, too. We went for dinner at Central Market on Saturday, and discovered that the evening's musical entertainment was a belly dance troupe! Iris didn't really notice the hips and spangles, as they were pretty far from where we sat, but she did enjoy the music.
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