The Return of a Happy Little Boy
Alex is finally back to normal. This realization hit me this weekend. He has been in a funk for about a month now. From teething to a yucky cold to an ear infection, this little boy has managed to create a big disturbance. He has been clingy and whiny and just wanted to be held all the time. And we love to hold him, but sometimes, yes it is true, I have to make dinner or do dishes, or get dressed or pick up toys or work on my classwork for tomorrow, or, heaven forbid, I just want to not be holding a baby!
It has finally all come to an end (knocking on wood right now). The teeth are in for now, the cold is gone and Alex had the last of his medicine on Sunday. He is smiley again and laughs a lot and can finally play for minutes-yes, minutes!- alone while I get something else done.
Lovely, lovely, lovely.
We are going to the zoo tonight for a little concert series that has been going on al summer-Wednesday evening family music fun. Alex and I went last week while Dan had to work late. It was a nice way to spend an evening. Hopefully it will be as enjoyable this time.

This is an overdue Father's Day picture. We had lunch out, and Alex and Dan spent some time together to celebrate this special occasion. Here I think they are singing a little duet.
Hooray for happy babies! Iris has entered the "screaming when she doesn't get her way" stage, meaning that when we set her down against her will, the shrieks begin. It's like living with a tiny banshee. When we pick her up again (usually pretty immediately), the screaming stops and the cooing starts. This little dictator knows how to handle her subjects. Sigh. I shall look forward to her being a happy 10-month-old!--Sally
Isn't it amazing when your little person becomes her own little person? It is both a fun realization and a scary one. I like your "little dictator" analogy. I see Iris on a little throne, sceptor in her hand and crown on her head, calling out her orders. Very cute.
Cute baby jeans! By the pained look on Alex's face, their duet must have been a real joy to listen to! I look forward to hearing him sing in Lubbock, although Sir Sugar will probably not join me on my trip. He's still having his spinal problems. We're looking into knock-out pills for the trip and/or a neck brace to keep him from hurting himself by spinning/eating (his two most favoritest things EVER). ~Sarah
I love baby jeans too :-)
This was during the sick phase. Three days later we found out that he had an ear infection :-( So yeah, it was a nice song.
Sorry Sugar is having problems. Hope they are cleared up by the time we visit. Alex LOVES dogs, and would not want to miss out on seeing Sugar
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