Like Music to My Ears
Alex has been "talking" for quite a while now. But this talking is nothing like the baby books all say he's "supposed" to be talking. He has had only one sound, "Ah." And this sound is mighty versitile. He can express frustration, anger, impatience, joy, excitement, or make it almost conversational. He will look at a person and say, looking like he is explaining something very important, "Ahhhhh ah, ah-ah-ah, ah, ahhhh. Ah?" This really almost sounds like talking, as his voice goes up and down and he even makes "questioning" ah's sometimes. But this is not the babbling that we have been lead to belive he should be doing right now.
Yesterday morning, as we were all in the waking up stage, Alex surprised us with his first babbling. He just started saying "mamamamamama." We were both totally shocked. Where did that come from? But I guess that's how it happens. "Ah, ahhh, ah-ah" one day, and "mamamma" the next.
Now he has a list of consonant+a combos he uses: "lalalalala" and "yayayayaya."
I was excited because it was "mama" first. But Dan has already shared his plans to use this to his advantage:
"Alex, who do you want to change your diaper? Oh? Mamamama? The baby has spoken"
Yeah. I think he's just jealous :-)

Alex: "Yayayayayaya...mamamamamama.....lalalalalalala"
Language development is an amazing thing. Enjoy the mamamamamas, we JUST got a purposeful "ma-ma" last week.
How exciting, a real mama! Very cute.
Yeah, it's pretty endearing. Not just the mama part, but the fact that he's starting to sound like he's actually chatting.
Wait until the yelling begins. I think it's hilarious. Random yelling and screaming is very entertaining. Luckily, we haven't had to deal with this in public.
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