Friday, September 01, 2006

I apologize for hijacking that last post to talk all about me. So, some updates on Alex:

He is now walking/running everywhere. He can climb up on just about anything-babygates, the couch, the office chair, his toy box, etc, etc. Bette has been calling him a "billy goat" and that is pretty accurate. He is chattering about everything all the time. He likes Sydeny even more now that he can catch her. I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual :-) Sydney does seem to like Alex, but sometimes you can almost hear her sigh as he walks over to pull on her ear or try to take her toy. We do stop this behavior, of course, but even when he gets away from us, Sydney is the best dog ever and she just gets up, licks Alex's face several times and walks away. We really do have a great puppy.

Pictures to come....


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