Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New Tricks!

The past few days Alex has been racking up the new skills. Three days ago, he added "da" to his vocabulary. He now has both of his parents at his beck and call: mama and dada. Dan stayed home with Alex on Monday morning, and when I returned, he told me that Alex had said "ma da da" over and over again, which, if you say this outloud to yourself right now, can sound a lot like "My Dada." Cute.

The other new and fantastic steps that Alex is perfecting are just that: STEPS!! We had a busy afternoon today, and Alex spent the day standing and turning around, letting go of his handhold and taking 1-2 steps toward me. Yeah little guy! And when we got home, I put Alex down and he stood up for a couple of seconds before stepping toward Dan. We will soon have a walker!!

For me, summer school ends on Friday, then it's off to Texas for a week, back for orientation at the new school and then I start with students the following week! It's all a blur, and I'm excited. I'm not exactly looking forward to flying with Alex, but I know that I have handled other crazy situations with him, and this is probably just blowing up in my mind because I have had so much time to think about it. Plus, he's a great kid. It can't be that bad, right?

This post is sadly lacking pictures of Alex's new talent because, try as we might, Dan and I could not get a picture of Alex standing or walking. Just as he'd let go and take a step, the stupid camera would autofocus for too long, and Alex would drop to the ground just in time for a picture of the top of his head. Soon.....


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