As I write this, it is already Alex's birthday on the mainland. Here in Hawaii, however, he has an hour or so to go. So I thought I'd just have one more frivolous little post before the mushy one about his first year....
Alex has been perfecting a bunch of skills recently. He will show you his tounge if you ask, "Where's your tounge?" He claps on command. He looks around to locate certain people and a special dog. He has learned to predict many things, like people coming through the front door when he hears their voices outside, he closes his eyes and turns his head when he pulls things down off the counter to avoid getting a facefull of falling stuff, he walks to the front window to wave bye-bye when people leave, and so much more.
One of the fun tricks that his babysitter Tina taught him is to make noise by clapping his hand over his mouth as he says "ahhhhhhhh." It's a sound I'd associate with the Ten Little Indians Song of my preschool years, no matter how un-PC I know that may sound in this era. Anyway, here are some photos of Alex showing off this talent. There are millions, as it was one of his favorite things to do for a while. I decided to subject you to only a few :-)

Alex: Wahh, wahh, wahh, wahh, wahh, wahh, wahh......

Happy Birthday Alex! You're such a cutie! XOXO ~Sarah
Happy Birthday Alex!
Happy Birthday, Alex, and
Happy Birth Day to his Mama, too.
We miss ya'll here--hope it is a wonderful day for you all.
Katie, Travis & Maggie
Happy birthday, buddy.
When I was a kid I used to do the same thing, but with my ears instead while 'ahhhing'. . . Then I would say to everyone, all excited like, "Hear that? Hear that?!"
So, Mom, how did that idian song go?
wow....even though i went to the big party.....i still can't believe it's he's one! time goes by so quickly!!! he's gotten so big since the very first time that we've met. i'm very much so looking forward to when you have some time off so we can get together!! give me a call!!!
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