Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It gets better!

So, after yesterday's post, things have gotten more interesting....

I woke up and glanced at the alarm clock some time last night...there were no numbers on it. The face was glowing, but no numbers. It could be 3 am, it could be 6 am...as in IT'S 6 AM AND YOU'RE ABOUT TO BE LATE FOR WORK!!!! Fortunately, it turned out to be 1:50. I could not fix the clock, so I set my phone alarm and went back to sleep.

Alex was great. Slept the whole night. I found him on the floor, though, as he must have rolled off the mattress at some point. I put a comforter around the edge of the mattress for this occasion, though, so at least it was a pretty soft landing.

We ate breakfast and headed out. We were about 5 minutes from the sitter when Alex made some funny noises...turned out to be puking noises. Great. I have stuff that needs to get done at work...the conference schedule for parents, a project to set up for this week, blah, blah, blah...and Dan with the slightly more flexible schedule who might be able to take Alex while I went to work early, got some things done and prepared for a sub, then raced home and took Alex so he could go to work...well, he's in INDIA. So, I made it to the sitter, took Alex out of the car. He was fine. I guess breakfast didn't sit well with him, but you'd hardly know that. He was running all over the place, like his usual self...only difference is that he smelled a little like pukey breakfast.

So, off to work. It's 1:30 and haven't heard from the sitter yet. So far, so good. But I am setting up for tomorrow as if I might be out, just in case.

Did Dan and Alex plan this?

Dan: OK, while I'm away, you do the following: wake up early, try to climb out of the crib, puke on the way to daycare and break the alarm clock...we'll see how sane Laura is when I get back!!

Alex: Doggy! Doggy? Ma-ma! Da-da! Doggy!

And this is only day 2!


At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm exhausted just reading your post. We are in "big boy bed" denial over here. They haven't made any known efforts to climb out so their "big boy beds" are still at the store where we bought them. Glad to know that it was a fairly smooth transition.

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Michael Reese said...

There's nothing like absence to make us appreciate the help we get from our beloved!


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