Monday, February 05, 2007

Dan left yesterday morning for two weeks in India, so it's just me and the little guy for a while.

Of course, Alex chooses today to do two remarkable things that require my attention and freak me out.

1- Wake up at 5:00 am. This is bad because I almost always wake him up, about 6:15, just in time to change him, feed him breakfast and get us both out the door by about 6:40. So, for him to wake up at 5:00 when I haven't yet gotten up or gotten myself ready is bad. Really bad. This could mean that I have a wild baby running all over the place while I am trying to shower and get ready. And there's no Dan to hand him over to for safekeeping. So I got him out of his crib and tucked him into bed with me. THANK GOODNESS he went back to sleep and slept soundly until that 6:15 wake up call :-)

2-When I did go get him this morning (at that unreasonable 5 am), he had his arms and chest over the side of the crib, and his feet were working furiously at the horizontal bars so that both of them were off the mattress a couple of inches. This wouldn't have been so bad, except that just last week I saw this little girl with a pretty bad scab the size of a quarter right in the middle of her forehead. It had been even bigger, but it was all pinky with new skin healing around the edges. Guess what had happened? Yeah, she face planted onto the floor after climbing out of her crib. So, I was already freaked out about this happening, and Alex scared me even more.

So, this morning started out rough, and when I got home from work I decided that I was going to do something about this climbing out of the bed thing.

I decided to take the crib and turn it into its toddler bed form. But I didn't like that. At all. I hated the way it looked and also it looked even more dangerous. The mattress was now about a foot off the floor, but there is a big hole where Alex could roll out.

So, it was Operation Major Room Overhaul. I don't know how well this is going to work. Maybe I should save this post for when I know the outcome...I can pretend it never happened if it goes badly!

I took everything out of the room that I thought could be a hazard: the crib itself, the changing table, the rocking chair, all the suitcases and random junk piled in the corner, even his dirty clothes bin, which he has fallen upside down into! Now there is only a mattress on the floor and the shelves I couldn't move, but they are cleared off as far up as he can reach.

The living room looks awful, since everything is currently located there, but if Alex happens to wake up tonight, he will not get hurt. The gate is in his door and I will open the door before I go to bed so I can hear him milling around in there if he does wake up.

The living room will have to wait until tomorrow. I am worn out!


At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like quite the work. Can you lock him in his "now safe" room while you get ready? In case he decides to wake up at 5 and not go back to sleep?


At 9:55 AM, Blogger babyboyg said...

Ohhh..good idea. Of course, if he realizes he is being locked in he will probably have a few words to say about it...and then the neighborhood will all be awake as well :-)
But last night he seemed rather pleased with the new set up, so maybe he would be content to play in there for a while!


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