Wednesday, September 26, 2007

School Boy

We had a busy summer. Moving, unpacking, remodling, electrical upgrades, GRANDMA BETTE was in town.

Then Mommy went back to school. Then ALEX went to school. Alex is attending the Early Learning Center--ELC-- that is a part of the school where I work. It is great to only have one stop in the morning, instead of going to the sitter's and then to work. We walk to his classroom together, then I go up the sidewalk to my own classroom.

Part of the program at the ELC is potty training. So the kids all wear pull-ups and the teachers ask if they need to go potty every 30 minutes or so. We've been trying it at home, too. It's working so-so, although the other day, Alex actually asked to go potty while we were in Costco, and he actually had to go. Now I carry wipes in my purse for such occasions. I was so proud but equally icked out by the fact that no matter how I tried, he ended up with his little hands all over the seat!

So, life is going well. School, learning to use the toilet (YEAH!) and generally growing up.


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