Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day....Bigger, Furrier, and Redder Than Ever!

Last week finished up great--more swim lessons, another loooong nap and more random fun like the Children's Discovery Center (like a children's museum) and the local playground.

Then, on Sunday...Father's Day. What better way to celebrate Father's Day than with ELMO?

Sesame Street Live is in town and when Grandma Bette was here last, she gifted us with some tickets. Instead of telling Alex ahead of time, we sprung it on him that morning and boy was he excited!!

There was so much singing! So much dancing! So many larger-than-life furry creatures with squeaky voices! I have never seen Alex sit still for so long, looking so happy in his short little life. He sat in Dan's lap most of the time and he did not move. At all. I was truly amazed, because Alex is pretty much a perpetual motion machine.

I have a couple of pictures to add, but I want to get this up to say THANK YOU GRANDMA BETTE. And I'll work on those pictures later.


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