Friday, January 16, 2009

Flight School

It's not time for more trip pictures. Instead, it's another installment of crazy stuff Alex says.

Yesterday, Dan and Alex went across the street to the big field to play T-ball.  The field is on the grounds of Univ. of Hawaii's Lab School, so there are some portable buildings with wooden ramps which Alex loves to run up and down. He likes to use them as "runways" for taking off as an airplane.

When they got back, Dan was laughing about the "take off check list" that they had created.

Apprently, it went something like this:

A: "Daddy, let's be airplanes and take off."

D: "OK. Are your wings out?"

A: "Yes."

D: "And you checked your engines?"

A: "Yes."

D: "And you called the tower and you are cleared for take off?"

A: "Yes."

(There may have been some more questions....Dan is pretty thorough.)

D: "OK. We are ready to take off....GO!!"

And the two of them take off, running across the field with their arms out....until Alex's croc flies off. They have to stop, Alex puts his shoe back on and declares that they have to go back to take off again.

So, back to the runway. Dan asks Alex to do the pre-flight checklist this time.

A: "Daddy, have you seen a cow?"

D: "Yes."

A: "OK. Take off!!!"

And you thought that this guy's piloting skills were amazing?? 


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I love that. That's my new favorite quote from Alex (Richie and I have several quotes stolen from Alex that we use often).

At 11:08 PM, Blogger babyboyg said...

I am assuming this is Sarah, and not some other "anonymous" sister of mine with a husband named Richie
Just kidding, but now I am curious about the other Alex quotes you use!


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