Thursday, September 27, 2007

Little Artist

Dan and I have long worried about Alex's future. What parent doesn't, right? Well, what we are worried about is that Alex seems to be left-handed. He always eats, brushes his teeth, draws, etc. with his left hand, even if we put the utensil in his right hand, he switches. This started very young, and every book I read said that it was too early. Well, he's two, and it's not going away. So, the problem came from this conversation we had where we talked about how lefties are supposed to be right-brained, more creative, artistic, etc. and we followed this to the conclusion that Alex was going to end up an unemployed "artist" living in our basement. No big deal, there are no basements in Texas or Hawaii. Then we found and bought a house with something pretty close to a basement. And now we are concerned that we have set ourselves up for it.

So, this brings me to the point...yesterday, Alex was playing with is playdough at home. He came to get me and indicated that he wanted me to come see something. He kept saying "Mommy, honu!" (Hawaiian for sea turtle--you see them everywhere, as they are a kind of symbol of Hawaii) So, I get over there, and the kid has made a little sea turtle out of playdough. So, it didn't really have legs or a tail, but it was a slightly oblong, oval shape with an attached roundish shape, which certainly could have been a turtle shell with his head poking out. Alex was very proud, clapped his hands, and cheered for himself. Then he got Dan and showed him, too.

I am afraid this was his first gallery exhibit. At least he has two fans already....and a basement for later.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

School Boy

We had a busy summer. Moving, unpacking, remodling, electrical upgrades, GRANDMA BETTE was in town.

Then Mommy went back to school. Then ALEX went to school. Alex is attending the Early Learning Center--ELC-- that is a part of the school where I work. It is great to only have one stop in the morning, instead of going to the sitter's and then to work. We walk to his classroom together, then I go up the sidewalk to my own classroom.

Part of the program at the ELC is potty training. So the kids all wear pull-ups and the teachers ask if they need to go potty every 30 minutes or so. We've been trying it at home, too. It's working so-so, although the other day, Alex actually asked to go potty while we were in Costco, and he actually had to go. Now I carry wipes in my purse for such occasions. I was so proud but equally icked out by the fact that no matter how I tried, he ended up with his little hands all over the seat!

So, life is going well. School, learning to use the toilet (YEAH!) and generally growing up.