We visited Grandma and Grandpa W and Uncle Chris in Lubbock (OK, almost 2 weeks ago now!). It was a nice, relaxing trip, and Alex had a great time playing with his family. The drive up there usually takes 6-7 hours, depending on how many times I stop for bathroom breaks, if I stop to eat or eat in the car, etc. This time, it took 8. Babies can really slow you down! I had to stop to feed him twice, and that really added to our time. The worst part of the trip was this stretch of about 20-30 minutes where there was NO PLACE to stop. Not just "a seedy-looking gas station I didn't want to stop at" but seriously nothing but cows and cotton. Poor Alex didn't understand this (I told him over and over again, but he didn't get it!) and so, hungry as the little guy was, he just had to sit in the back seat, expressing himself as loudly as possible, while I tried to drive, hold the pacifier in his mouth, and sing every song I could think of. I wasn't sure if this just made it worse (Alex: "Mommy, I know you are up there, I can hear you and see your hand...why won't you feed me??"), but even if it didn't help him, it made me feel like I was doing
something and wasn't just helplessly listening to him cry...which was a bit closer to the truth.
It was a bit colder in Lubbock, so Alex put his cute furry hat to good use.
On Wednesday while we were there, Alex, Grandma W and I made a trip to visit Grandpa's office. Apparently, Alex is quite the star there. He was greated by everyone in the office, who have all seen pictures and heard stories. It was a nice visit, as Alex got to be the center of attention. He cooed and smiled and showed off all of his tricks (including the trick where he poops, overflows his diaper, and gets it all over my pants...he was on his
best behavior, I can tell you that!).
Alex also got a walker while we were visiting. Not that he's quite ready for a walker, but it does have some toys and buttons to press that play music, so that was fun. It's another great seat for him to be in while I try to get stuff done, so we are both enjoying it now.

Look at all the pretty things hanging in this tree. The trees in Lubbock are so pretty!

Just before I took this picture, Alex turned and started cooing and petting the kittly pillow. Maybe he was thinking of his kitty Niki back home.

It's nice to relax on Grandpa after a good meal. Ahhhhh....

It's also nice to nap on Grandma. I love visiting Lubbock!

Check out my new walker. It plays music when I push these buttons! Now, if only I could reach the ground, I could go wherever I want.