Daddy's Helper
We had a lovely holiday. We visited the Watters side of the family with the Texas and Hawaii contingents meeting halfway and visiting Auntie Sarah in California. We saw Disneyland and the San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park and the Science Museum, La Jolla, and other fun stuff. It was a pretty relaxing trip. Although we saw a lot, we did manage to sleep in a little bit. Since we do not have a t.v., Alex has not really explored the fun that is PBS. He has a couple of Elmo DVD's, but he got up each morning asking for Elmo and was delighted to find not just Elmo, but Big Bird and Oscar and Barney and Teletubbies and so many other new friends!
We all received some great gifts from Santa, including a big floor puzzle of Thomas the Train that Alex has become an expert at putting together and a bunch of new books, some noisier than others (thank you, Grandma Bette!).
He also received a tool set and tool belt with loops that perfectly fit the little screwdriver, saw, etc.
This afternoon, Dan had to go remove a little gate at the bottom of the stairs. He asked Alex if he wanted to come, too. Then Dan went to get his drill, and Alex announced, "Alex drill!" and went to get his drill as well.
Here are the adorable results: