Alex and I have been having a lot of fun this week. I am really putting the stroller to good use, and we are going on daily walks, all over the neighborhood. So far we have even managed to walk to get groceries a couple of times. The store is just around the corner, so it's not far, but it is a nice little walk for me. This method of shopping has the added advantage that I can't plan to get much, so the trip is short. I learned on my first grocery shopping experience (not walking, with the car) that if the baby is grouchy when you have 2 items in your cart out of the intended 25 items on your list, the rest of your trip is either miserable or needs to just be forfeited. So, if I go with the intention of getting 5 things, I am likely to get all 5, plus I always get to go in the express lane! I think I might shop like this often :-)
Sarah came by to visit with Craig yesterday. They chatted for a little while, and got to see Alex awake and alert and being a super-happy boy! They dropped off Sarah's baby, Sugar for a few days of dog-sitting. If you are reading this, Sarah, Sugar is doing fine. All the pets are getting along great, although it is a full house: two dogs, a cat, two big people and a little person. Dan was on his way in as Sarah and Craig were leaving. He told me that they made a comment about "Dan and Laura's Ark." We are getting there!
Speaking of Alex being alert and happy, he has been doing a lot of that lately. He's starting to sleep longer at night and then spend more time looking around and enjoying the world during the day. He doesn't have it all figured out yet, he still likes to check out the world by moon light, too, but he's getting better. And, much more fun! We sit and chat during the day, read books, walk around the house together, etc. I put him in the little carrier so he looks like a baby kangaroo, and we do laundry or dishes. He's really starting to show a bit of personality. Yeah! And we can tell that he's learning things. For example, when he wakes up crying, he used to just cry through the diaper change, until he was fed (that being the ultimate goal and reason for the waking in the first place, although he almost always needed a change, too). Now, he calms down as soon as he's picked up and is quiet through the diaper change as well. It's as if he knows that he's about to be fed, so there's no more need to waste his breath crying. And, that is so much nicer on my nerves, too :-) Yeah..he's a smart one!
Oh, there seems to be so much to share, but I'll have to save it for another day!

I am sitting in my bouncer while Mommy does dishes. I am a bit blurry because the bouncer is vibrating, but look at my smile, I am enjoying this! Mommy also has some music on...maybe I'll be inspired to dance!

Oh, yeah, here I go. I'm listening to Moulin Rouge. "Diamonds are a girl's best friend..." I don't know what that means exactly, but it's a catchy tune! I call these moves "The Alex." It may not look like much, but I bet people thought "The Twist" was nuthin' too, and look what happened there. Doin' the Alex...

My arms and legs are just carried away by the music! I can't help myself! It's almost like I'm not in control of my limbs....I'm a dancin' fool!