Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Your comments

Thanks for the comments so far, guys. Andi and Brian, it's good to learn from your experience that things will go so smoothly!


At 4:27 AM, Blogger Andi said...

Here's today's nugget of advice: childproof early! If you know someone who has a child 9 months - 18 months have them over. That baby will let you know all your trouble spots. As for bookshelves, pack them tight and the little ones won't be able to get books out (neither will you, but at least the books will be safe :) ). We'll see how long this is going to work at our house... Oh, one more thing, A & D Ointment rocks!


At 5:16 AM, Blogger Andi said...

I know this will sound like a broken record, but you really do forget the "bad" stuff that happens. Andi I forget about all of the feedings in the middle of the night, all of the time. It's especially hard to remember that kind of stuff when a cute little boy has a huge grin on his face as he crawls very deliberately over to you to be picked up. That's the best.



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