Thursday, August 18, 2005

General Update

Baby progress:

It's week 36-37. I have a dr.'s appointment tomorrow with a new dr. We switched this week so Baby G could be born at the hospital literally in in our back yard. We can actually see the hospital out the back window, and, although there is probably no real danger of not making it to the hospital on time, blah, blah, blah, it just seems nice to be so close. There are other things I like about this hospital and the practice that the dr. is with too, but it will be so convenient!

Baby G is a night person. He and I are up every night way too late. He likes to make his presence known, kicking, jumping, doing Tai Chi, and I don't know what else for most of the night. I know he does it during the day, too. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, maybe I'm distracted with other things, I don't know, but it seems like he's most active at night. Just practicing to be a tough little sleeper, I guess.

Baby Room Preparations:

(Dan and I are both procrastinators, but we're doing pretty well, I have to say...)

The room is approaching ready. He has a place to sleep, he has a changing table, he has a ton of clothes, thanks to awesome friends and family for all the gifts and hand-me-downs. He has toys and books. He has a stroller and car seat. I ordered the diapers yesterday (We are going to brave cloth! Wish us luck!). We are practically ready. There are still a bunch of boxes in his room, but they should be in Lubbock before Baby G arrives, and if not, we are hoping he doesn't notice. I think the only things that are not quite prepared are our minds...I'm not ready to give up sleeping and having my own schedule. I guess I'm not really the decision maker on this one, though, am I?

I'll update after our appointment tomorrow.



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