Thursday, August 18, 2005

Baby's First Post

I decided that it was time to get this little guy his own weblog. The family members are all on pins and needles, full of questions, comments and concerns, and I feel like if I don't call or e-mail everyone every day, I am letting people down with a lack of information. So, here goes: this will be the anticipatory daily update of Baby G's activities. This probably won't be the permanent name, since it's kind of silly! Maybe once he's born and has a name, we can call him something other than "Baby Boy." Or, maybe we'll just decide that's the perfect name and stick with it :-)

So, Grandmas and Grandpa, Aunts, Uncle, and anyone else lucky enough to stumble upon this blog: start counting down the days, if you haven't already been doing so!

23-ish days....



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