Sunday, August 21, 2005

More getting ready...

Dan and I spent yesterday afternoon and evening in the nursery. We bought a few baskets to go on shelves for organizing stuff, and then washed, folded, organized and put away most of the stuff we had. We actually just reopened the boxes from the Wisconsin baby shower, so that was really interesting. It was fun to see it all again, it was like opening the presents all over again, since we had forgotten about a bunch of it already.
Sydney even got in on the fun, stealing one of the little rubber ducks (there were a bunch of little rubber ducks floating in the punch bowl at the shower, and we got to take them all home) and pretty much destroying it. Dan finally had to take it away when she started to eat the plastic. We are going to have to make a big deal about what are her toys and what are not. But, she's pretty good. I have a few things that she mistook for hers at first, but after a few stern words, she figures it out. She's going to be a good big sister :-)

Another big event yesterday: Our diapers came. So many cute little diapers! I hope I still think they're "cute" in a few months! I only ordered the newborn/small size right now. Just in case they lose their appeal.
Unfortunately, the silly company was out of the covers I wanted, and didn't bother to tell me that before shipping. So, now I have to either re-order and wait for them to restock (and probably pay shipping again!), or order from another company. I might contact the company and complain. I guess that's how things work, but it would have been nice to have a warning, so I could have cancelled, or just decided to make the entire order from someone else, and only pay shipping once.

I've been reading a bunch, all on the same theme, of course: The Happiest Baby on the Block, Your Baby's First Year: Week by Week, The No-Cry Sleep Solution, etc. I feel like such an expert! I am sure that with a deft combination of all the suggestions in all of these books, our baby will never cry, will sleep through the night the first night home, and will walk and talk right "on schedule." I know it's just the combination of too much reading and serious inexperience, but I think I'm ready :-)


At 4:39 AM, Blogger Andi said...

Our babies never cry, sleep through the night and politly ask for a bottle when they are hungry (yeah right!). When Little Baby Boy G. starts smiling, laughing and hugging you'll forget all about the sleepless nights (and maybe days) as well as the screaming. Enjoy these last few nights before your life changes!


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Andi said...

What are you talking about? Your life doesn't change. I still go to movies all the time. I sit around and read the newspaper. I go out drinking and we go out to eat all the time. (sarcasm dripping). Here's the only thing you need to remember; Nobody is right, except Mom and Dad.



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